Viper [PC Games] *Hentai*

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The Viper games from Sogna spawned numerous popular series, all of which are named after powerful sports cars. Series include BTR, CTR, F40, GT1, GTB, GTS, M1, M3, RSR, V8, V10, V12 and V16.

These series are often individual in terms of storylines, characters and production staff although a few character guest appearances feature in crossovers.
Artwork from Viper is scarce and even though I'd like to focus my attention on the GTS and RSR arcs, I'm happy to acquire whatever I can including artwork from the others too.

 Viper BTR Girls

 Viper CTR Copy

 CTR Test Cel 1

 CTR Test Cel 2

 CTR Test Cel 3

 Viper F40 Genga

 Viper GTS - Mercedes [Genga]

 Viper RSR Repro 1

 Viper RSR Repro 2

 Viper RSR Hero

 Viper V12 Villain

 Viper V12 Girl

Curator: Krafty
Gallery Created: 10/27/2004
Hits: 174370

Presentation 9.14/10   Collection 9.32/10   Overall 9.23/10   Votes 95 votes
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